Ormond Beach Response to Rubin Writ of Certiorari 20241213


Ormond Beach Information on Rubin Development


Volusia County Information on Rubin Development

Tomoka Oaks Golf Club Property Info: https://vcpa.vcgov.org/parcel/summary/?altkey=2998504#gsc.tab=0

Tomoka Oaks Golf Club County tax info: https://volusia.county-taxes.com/public/search?search_query=2998504

From: Spraker, Steven <Steven.Spraker@ormondbeach.org>

Sent: Wednesday, May 5, 2021 4:47 PM



Good afternoon,

Staff was not aware of the golf course closing.  There has not been any applications to date.  Below is the e-mail that I have sent out that details the process.  I would suggest providing the planned development flowchart which details the likely process.  Please let me know if there are any questions  or if you need additional information.

Thank you



Steven Spraker, AICP

Planning Director

Planning Department

22 South Beach Street, Room 104

Ormond Beach, FL 32175

Direct Line:  386.676.3341

Department: 386.676.3238

Cell:              386.366.1590

Fax:          386.676.3361

E-mail:              Steven.Spraker@ormondbeach.org


The former Tomoka Oaks Golf Course property is a private parcel of land of approximately 147 acres.  The property has a land use of “Low Density Residential” and the zoning designation of an expired Planned Residential Development approved with Ordinance 2006-17.  In 2006, the Tomoka Oaks Golf Course property went through a zoning map amendment from the R-2 (Single-Family Low Density) to Planned Residential Development.  The 2006 development order allowed 119 multifamily units and 3 single-family dwellings and a re-configuration of the golf course. The 2006 development order expired in 2014 and the property has an expired Planned Residential Development zoning.  Any application for any development would need to follow one of two processes:

A.   Submittal of a site plan to the Site Plan Review Committee.  All site plan submittals are posted on the city’s website:  https://www.ormondbeach.org/247/Development-Projects

B.   Review of the Site Plan Review Committee.

C.   Neighborhood meeting.  This is an applicant meeting with notice sent to property owners within a 600’ radius of the property.

D.   Planning Board.  The Planning Board is an advisory board that reviews the recommendation of the Site Plan Review Committee, the applicant’s submittal, comments from the neighborhood meeting, and testimony at the Planning Board meeting.  The Planning Board will make a recommendation to the City Commission on the application.

E.   City Commission.  The City Commission is required to conduct two public hearings and considers Site Plan Review Committee, the applicant’s submittal, comments from the neighborhood meeting, and testimony at the Planning Board meeting, Planning Board recommendation, and testimony provided at the City Commission.  The City Commission can (1) approve the application, (2) approve the application with conditions, or (3) deny the application based upon criteria within the Land Development Code. 

F.    If approved, the application would go back to the Site Plan Review Committee for the final technical review of the site plan.

If a subdivision of land is proposed:

A.   Preliminary Plat, Planning Board:  Technical review of the plat with the standards of the Planned Residential Development zoning district.  A Preliminary Plat is the subdivision of land and the project is required to comply with the Planned Residential Development zoning district standards. The Planning Board is an advisory board that reviews the recommendation of the Site Plan Review Committee, the applicant’s submittal, comments from the neighborhood meeting, and testimony at the Planning Board meeting.  The Planning Board will make a recommendation to the City Commission on the consistency of the preliminary plat with the approved development order.

B.   Preliminary Plat, City Commission:  Technical review of the plat with the standards of the Planned Residential Development zoning district.  The City Commission is required to consider a Resolution and considers Site Plan Review Committee, the applicant’s submittal, comments from the neighborhood meeting, and testimony at the Planning Board meeting, Planning Board recommendation, and testimony provided at the City Commission.  The City Commission provides a final determination regarding the consistency of the preliminary plat with the approved development order. 

C.   Final Plat, City Commission:  Technical review of the plat to ensure consistency with the Preliminary plat.  The final plat requires two meetings of the City Commission as an Ordinance. The final plat is reviewing the technical standards of the subdivision of land.

In initial discussions with the contract purchasers, it appears that this process would be selected.  City staff has encouraged the contract purchasers to conduct a pre-submittal neighborhood meeting to discuss the potential project with homeowners in the vicinity of the property.  With the pre-submittal neighborhood meeting, there would be five public meetings for the development order action to provide input on the project.  In addition, any individual can provide written comments for the inclusion in the Planning Board and City Commission agenda packets. 

A.   Submittal of a site plan to the Site Plan Review Committee.

B.   Review of the Site Plan Review Committee.

C.   Neighborhood meeting.  This is an applicant meeting with notice sent to property owners within a 600’ radius of the property.

D.   Preliminary Plat, Planning Board:  Technical review of the plat with the standards of the R-2 zoning district.  A Preliminary Plat is the subdivision of land and the project is required to comply with the R-2 zoning district standards. The Planning Board is an advisory board that reviews the recommendation of the Site Plan Review Committee, the applicant’s submittal, comments from the neighborhood meeting, and testimony at the Planning Board meeting.  The Planning Board will make a recommendation to the City Commission on the application.

E.   Preliminary Plat, City Commission:  Technical review of the plat with the standards of the R-2 zoning district.  The City Commission is required to consider a Resolution and considers Site Plan Review Committee, the applicant’s submittal, comments from the neighborhood meeting, and testimony at the Planning Board meeting, Planning Board recommendation, and testimony provided at the City Commission.  The City Commission provides a final determination regarding the consistency of the preliminary plat with the R-2 zoning district. 

F.    Final Plat, City Commission:  Technical review of the plat to ensure consistency with the Preliminary plat.  The final plat requires two meetings of the City Commission as an Ordinance. The final plat is reviewing the technical standards of the subdivision of land.

There have been no applications or concept plans submitted for the former Tomoka Oaks Golf Course property.  Planning staff has collected e-mail addresses of interested individuals and will  add your e-mail to the distribution list for any future applications on the former Tomoka Oaks Golf Course property.  If you have any questions or would like to meet to discuss this property, please contact Steven Spraker, Planning Director via e-mail at Steven.Spraker@ormondbeach.org or via phone at (386) 676-3341.

Planned Development Flowchart

Planned Development.pdf

Zoning Map Amendment

Zoning map amendment.pdf

Current Golf Course Zoning (R-2) Explained

R-2, Single Family Low Density Zoning District.pdf

Original Golf Course Design Deed 1961

Old 2006 PRD for Previous Development Plan

Pages from [11257.1] OCT 17 2006 9BPH.pdf